A dynamic capital management boutique

Capital management & expert knowledge in the oil, gas, refining, metals, mining, and infrastructure sectors over the past 10 years in the regions of Middle East and Russia.

Magma Capital has coverage in three core regions:


In the MENA region, Magma Capital leverages its profound understanding of local markets and cultural nuances to deliver exceptional financial and resource management services. Our expertise spans across key industries, including oil & gas and mining, where we collaborate closely with regional players to unlock investment opportunities.


Our European focus ensures Magma Capital is synonymous with forward-thinking investment strategies and sustainable resource management. Our focus in this region extends to embracing Europe's transition to renewable energies and sustainable practices, particularly in the steel and gemstone sectors.


In Russia, Magma Capital's expertise is deeply rooted in navigating the complex geopolitical landscape and rich natural resource sectors. Specializing in oil & gas and mining industries, we offer strategic investment and resource management services that cater to the unique challenges and opportunities of the Russian market.

Led by Naseer Sabzwari

Naseer Sabzwari, the visionary founder and director of Magma Capital, stands as a distinguished figure in the fields of oil & gas, refining, metals & mining, and infrastructure. Over the past decade, his expertise has been pivotal in shaping the landscape of these sectors across the Middle East and Russia. Naseer's exceptional knowledge and experience have been instrumental in driving Magma Capital's expansion and acquisition strategies in core economy sectors, bringing a fresh and dynamic perspective to the company's operations.

Under his leadership, Magma Capital has flourished, with Naseer playing a central role in strategic decision-making and overseeing investments. His focus on identifying and investing in new business opportunities, especially in the MENA region, has significantly contributed to Magma's growth and success. Naseer's approach combines a deep understanding of global market dynamics with a commitment to sustainable and profitable expansion, making him a respected and influential figure in the industry.